Penelitian ini difokuskan pada resiliensi wanita korban perkosaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses perjalanan individu da lam memulihkan kondisi dirinya dari trauma akibat perkosaan, sehingga peneliti dapat menemukan dinamika psikologis korban perkosaan, yang secara spesifik diterjemahkan dalam tujuan khusus yaitu, memahami faktor-faktor penentu yang dapat menimbulkan resilie nsi pada wanita korban perkosaan, memahami proses terbentuknya resiliensi pada wanita korban perkosaan dan memahami strategi yang digunakan korban perkosaan dalam mengatasi permasalahan ini. [DOWNLOAD LENGKAP]
Penelitian ini difokuskan pada resiliensi wanita korban perkosaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses perjalanan individu da lam memulihkan kondisi dirinya dari trauma akibat perkosaan, sehingga peneliti dapat menemukan dinamika psikologis korban perkosaan, yang secara spesifik diterjemahkan dalam tujuan khusus yaitu, memahami faktor-faktor penentu yang dapat menimbulkan resilie nsi pada wanita korban perkosaan, memahami proses terbentuknya resiliensi pada wanita korban perkosaan dan memahami strategi yang digunakan korban perkosaan dalam mengatasi permasalahan ini. [DOWNLOAD LENGKAP]
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam dan observasi untuk mengumpulkan data dari empat partisipan.
Partisipan dalam penelitian ini dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive , yaitu para wanita korban perkosaan yang sudah mampu untuk hidup normal dalam kehidupan sehari - hari tanpa memperlihatkan tanda tra uma. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode theoritical coding. Teknik pemeriksaan data dalampenelitian ini berdasarkan pada empat kriteria, yaitu; kredibilitas, keteralihan,
kebergantungan dan kepastian atau konfirmabilitas.
Hasil pene litian ini menunjukkan bahwa para wanita korban perkosaan
memiliki kemampuan penyesuaian multidimensi dalam menghadapi berbagai
dampak akibat perkosaan yang mereka alami. Secara garis besar kemampuan
penyesuaian multidimensi terdiri atas lima bentuk, yaitu ; kemampuan penyesuaian
sosial, kemampuan penyesuaian kognitif, kemampuan penyesuaian moral,
kemampuan penyesuaian spiritual dan kemampuan penyesuaian afektif. Hasil
penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan penyesuaian yang dimiliki
oleh para partis ipan tidak terlepas dari adanya faktor pendukung lain, yang berupa
dukungan sosial, dukungan keluarga dan dukungan religi.
Kata kunci: Resiliensi, wanita korban perkosaan, dukungan
This study is focused on the resilience of women rape victims. This study
uses qualitative research methods with case study design that aims to determine
the individual's journey in itself recovery from the trauma of rape. Therefore the
researcher can find the psychological dynamics of rape victims, who are
specifically translated into specific objectives namely; knowing the determinant
factors which are able to lead t heresilience in women rape victims; understand ing
the formation process of resilience for women rape victims ;and knowingthe
strategy which is applied by therape victims to overcome the irproblem s.
This study applies in - depth interview and observation methods to collectdata
from four participants. Participants in this study were selected by using purposive
techniques, that arethe women rape victimswho areable to live normally in
everyday life without showing signs of trauma. The obtained data were analyzed
applies coding t heoretica l methods. Examination techniques of data in this study
based on the four criteria, namely; credibility, transferability , depend ability and
certainty or confirmability .
The results of this study indicate that women rape victims have ability of
multi - dime nsional adjustment in facing the various impacts of the irrape
experienced. Generally there are five form of multidemensional adjustment
ability, namely, social adjustment ability, cognitive adjustment ability , moral
adjusment ability, spiritual adjusmentability and affective adjusment ability. T he
result of this study also indicate adjusment ability of the participants is influenced
by others supporting factors. Those supporting factors are identified as social
support, family support, and religious support.
Keywords: resilience, women rape victims, support
This study is focused on the resilience of women rape victims. This study
uses qualitative research methods with case study design that aims to determine
the individual's journey in itself recovery from the trauma of rape. Therefore the
researcher can find the psychological dynamics of rape victims, who are
specifically translated into specific objectives namely; knowing the determinant
factors which are able to lead t heresilience in women rape victims; understand ing
the formation process of resilience for women rape victims ;and knowingthe
strategy which is applied by therape victims to overcome the irproblem s.
This study applies in - depth interview and observation methods to collectdata
from four participants. Participants in this study were selected by using purposive
techniques, that arethe women rape victimswho areable to live normally in
everyday life without showing signs of trauma. The obtained data were analyzed
applies coding t heoretica l methods. Examination techniques of data in this study
based on the four criteria, namely; credibility, transferability , depend ability and
certainty or confirmability .
The results of this study indicate that women rape victims have ability of
multi - dime nsional adjustment in facing the various impacts of the irrape
experienced. Generally there are five form of multidemensional adjustment
ability, namely, social adjustment ability, cognitive adjustment ability , moral
adjusment ability, spiritual adjusmentability and affective adjusment ability. T he
result of this study also indicate adjusment ability of the participants is influenced
by others supporting factors. Those supporting factors are identified as social
support, family support, and religious support.
Keywords: resilience, women rape victims, support