ABSTRACT: One indicator of the success of individual health care is patient satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is defined as a response to the evaluation of the expectations of service prior to the actual performance perceived. The study aims to know outpasient satisfasion the quality of based on the results showed in  Pharmacy Services Complementary Kimia Farma No. 12 RSUP dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten an out patient basis have not been able to satisfy pharmacy services in terms of dimensions servqual, that is tangible, empathy, assurance, responsiveness and reliabily in study November 2011; to know out patient the gap on patient satisfaction ratings to the quality of based on the results showed in Pharmacy Services Complementary Kimia Farma No. 12 on an out patient basis have not been able to satisfy pharmacy services in terms of dimensions servqual, that is tangible, empathy, assurance, responsiveness and reliability in study November 2011.
This type of study used a non experimental descriptive through observation of patient satisfaction. Data were collected concurrent in the amount 325 patients with the sampling method. Collecting data using a questionnaire in November 2011. Test data instrument using Product Moment Person continue with the calculated score servgual ( gap) from performan and expectation The results showed that the perceived service has not achieved the desired expectations of patients. Largest gap value is based on the dimension of empathy with a value of (-0.27); tangible dimension (-0.25) ; assurance dimension, in the amount of (-0.17); reliability dimension,with a value of (-0.16), and the responsiveness dimension of (-0.15).
INTISARI: Salah satu indikator keberhasilan pelayanan kesehatan perorangan adalah kepuasan pasien. Kepuasan didefinisikan sebagai respon pelanggan terhadap evaluasi antara harapan pelayanan terhadap kinerja aktual yang dirasakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepuasan pasien rawat jalan di Apotek Pelengkap Kimia Farma No.12 RSUP dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten (studi di bulan November 2011) ditinjau dari dimensi servqual, yaitu tangible, empathy, assurance, responsiveness dan reliability; untuk mengetahui peringkat gap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan terhadap kualitas pelayanan di Apotek Pelengkap Kimia Farma No.12 RSUP dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten (studi di bulan November 2011) ditinjau dari dimensi servqual, yaitu tangible, empathy, assurance, responsiveness dan reliability. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif non eksperimental melalui observasi terhadap kepuasan pasien. Data dikumpulkan secara concurrent sampling, sebanyak 325 responden pada bulan November 2011. Metode pengolahan instrumen dengan uji korelasi Product Moment Person dan analisa data menggunakan uji servqual gap terhadap harapan dan kinerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan yang dirasakan belum mencapai harapan yang diinginkan pasien. Terdapat gap kepuasan pasien antara harapan kualitas pelayanan terhadap kinerja yang dirasakan responden. Nilai gap terbesar terdapat pada dimensi empathy dengan rerata nilai sebesar (-0,27), dimensi tangible dengan rerata nilai (-0,25), dimensi assurance dengan rerata nilai sebesar (-0,17), rerata nilai pada dimensi reliability sebesar (-0,16) serta rerata nilai pada dimensi responsiveness sebesar (-0,15 ).