ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to know the effect of Kemrunggi (Caesalpinia crista L.) seeds infusion on blood glucose, SGPT level, histological of liver and kidney of hyperglycaemic rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769). Kemrunggi (C. crista L.) seeds were collected from West Papua and rats (R. norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) male, Wistar. Rats were divided into 7 groups of 5, 4 groups as control (independent, burden, solvent, and drug) and 3 groups used as a treatment groups that were given 10%, 20% and 30% Kemrunggi seeds infusion. The hyperglycaemic rat were made by administering D-glucose monohydrate 6,75 g/kg body weight. The seeds was infundation and was treats to hyperglycaemic rats during seven days. The result showed that on the seventh days, blood glucose level was lowest on independent group (AUC0-300 32421,32). There was no significantly different among infusion treatments, eventhough the 20% infusion group showed the highest percentage of lowering blood glucose value (55,282%). No significantly different among treatments also showed on the lowering SGPT level, at 10%, 20%, and 30%, were 26,13%, 10,02%, and 17,55% respectively. Kemrunggi (C. crista L.) seeds infusion were caused degeneration on liver histological (cloudy sweeling, hydrophic), steatosis, and karyolisis, but showed no significantly different with control group. It also were caused degeneration on kidney histological (cloudy sweeling, hydrophic), plasmolysis, and karyolysis. It could be concluded that infusion of Kemrunggi seeds at 20% lowering blood glucose effectively and also lowering SGPT level at 10-30% concentration. Kemrunggi seeds infusion did not have any effect on liver histological structure, but not on kidney.

INTISARI: Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian infusa biji Kemrunggi (Caesalpinia crista L.) terhadap kadar glukosa dan SGPT, struktur histologis hati dan ginjal tikus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) hiperglikemik. Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah biji Kemrunggi (C. crista L.) dari Papua Barat. Tikus (R. norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) jantan galur Wistar sebanyak 35 ekor dikelompokkan menjadi 7 kelompok, 5 ekor per kelompok. Empat kelompok sebagai kontrol (bebas, beban, pelarut, dan obat), sedangkan kelompok 5,6,7 ialah kelompok infusa masing-masing 10%, 20%, dan 30%. Tikus dikondisikan menjadi hiperglikemik dengan dibebani glukosa monohidrat dosis 6,75 g/kg bb. Biji buah Kemrunggi (C. crista L.) diinfundasi dan diuji efektivitasnya selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar glukosa pada hari ketujuh terendah pada kontrol bebas dengan nilai AUC0-300 32421,32. Persen Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah (%PKGD) tertinggi pada kelompok infusa 20% yaitu 55,282%. Namun, secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok lain. Infusa biji Kemrunggi (C. crista) 10% b/v, 20% b/v, dan 30% b/v diketahui dapat menurunkan kadar SGPT, masing-masing 26,13%, 10,02%, dan 17,55%, juga tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok kontrol. Infusa biji Kemrunggi (C. crista) dapat menyebabkan hepatosit (sel hati) mengalami degenerasi (bengkak keruh, hidrofik), steatosis, dan kariolisis. Namun, secara statistik menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata dengan kelompok kontrol. Untuk histologis ginjal, infusa biji Kemrunggi (C. crista) menyebabkan degenerasi (bengkak keruh, hidrofik), plasmolisis, dan kariolisis. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa infusa biji Kemrunggi (C. crista L.) dosis 20% efektif menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Terhadap kadar SGPT, infusa biji Kemrunggi (C. crista L.) dosis 10-30% dapat menurunkan. Infusa biji Kemrunggi (C. crista L.) tidak berpengaruh terhadap histologis hati, namun berpengaruh pada histologis ginjal.