ABSTRACT: This research is aimed at doing exploration about social support contribution toward the achievement and the factor causes of failure contributing toward student’s failure in junior high school and senior high school. This reseach was done by qualitative survey method by using openended questionnaire technique, adapted from achievement questioner which was developed by Kim (Kim et al, 2006). Additional data collection was done by personal interview (Shaughnessy et al, 2007) openedly. The numbers of respondence were 725 participants consisting of 248 junior high school studens and 473 Senior high school students, added 2 students junior high school and 2 senior high school students the result of personal interview. That reseach result data was precessed by category process with data content analysis technique. Based on the data gotten explained that social support contribution directly from the family is more influencing toward achievement attainment to junior high school subject (86,0%) as well as senior high school (81,6%) than social support contribution received from friends (Junior high school 8,0% & Senior high school 11,6%) and teacher (Junior high school 6,0% & senior high school 6,8 %). The bigness of social support contribution directly toward achievement attainment is not far from the support gotten from the subject. Emotional support form (Junior high school 47,7% & Senior high school 54,0%) is the highest frequency of social support received by the subject of junior and senior high school students from social support source which they have followed by the form of relational support (Junior high school 14,0% & Senior high school 7,6%), spiritual support (Junior high school 13,4% & Senior high school 9,9 %), material support (Junior high school 12,6% & Senior high school 14,3 %), informational support (Junior high school 11,2 % & Senior high school 13,9 %) and temporal support (Junior high school 1,2% & Senior high school 0,2 %). But, social support contribution directly is more decline in the students of senior high school group. The following, someone’s failure is influenced by two factores namely internal and external factor. The highest frequency is internal factor contributing to the failure in the junior high school group (79,0%) and in the senior high school group (87,1%). External factor contributing toward the failure in the junior high school group around 21,0 % and in senior high school around 12,9 %. DOWNLOAD DISINI

INTISARI: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan eksplorasi mengenai kontribusi dukungan sosial terhadap prestasi dan faktor penyebab kegagalan yang berkontribusi terhadap kegagalan siswa SMP dan siswa SMA. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survey kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data open ended questionnaire, adaptasi dari kuesioner Achievement yang dikembangkan oleh Kim (Kim dkk, 2006). Pengambilan data tambahan dilakukan dengan wawancara personal (Shaughnessy dkk, 2007) secara terbuka. Total responden 725 partisipan yang terdiri dari 248 pelajar SMP dan 473 SMA, ditambah 2 pelajar SMP dan 2 Pelajar SMA hasil wawancara personal. Data hasil penelitian tersebut diolah dengan proses kategorisasi dengan teknik Content Analysis data. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh bahwa kontribusi dukungan sosial secara langsung dari keluarga lebih berperan terhadap pencapaian prestasi pada subjek SMP (86,0%) maupun SMA (81,6%), dibandingkan kontribusi dukungan sosial yang diterima dari teman (SMP 8,0% & SMA 11,6%) dan guru (SMP 6,0% & SMA 6,8%). Besarnya kontribusi dukungan sosial secara langsung terhadap pencapaian prestasi tidak terlepas dari bentuk dukungan yang diterima oleh subjek. bentuk dukungan emosional (SMP 47,7% & SMA 54,0%) merupakan frekuensi bentuk dukungan sosial yang paling tinggi diterima subjek pelajar SMP dan SMA dari sumber dukungan sosial yang mereka miliki yang diikuti bentuk dukungan relasional (SMP 14,0% & SMA 7,6%), dukungan spiritual (SMP 13,4% & SMA 9,9%), dukungan material (SMP 12,6% & SMA 14,3%), dukungan informasional (SMP 11,2% & SMA 13,9%) dan dukungan temporal (SMP 1,2% & SMA 0,2%). Namun, kontribusi dukungan sosial secara langsung cenderung menurun pada kelompok siswa SMA. Selanjutnya, kegagalan seseorang dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Frekuensi tertinggi adalah faktor internal yang berkontribusi pada kegagalan baik pada kelompok SMP (79,0%) maupun pada kelompok SMA (87,1%). Faktor eksternal yang berkontribusi terhadap kegagalan pada pelajar SMP sebesar 21,0% dan pada SMA sebesar 12,9%.